In 2016, reality hit me. I was a single father, working an unfulfilling sales job that required long hours, including weekends which made me miss quality time with my son. Born and raised in San Francisco, I was a Millennial who has watched the tech industry boom and always hearing great stories about the great pay, culture, perks and benefits, made me want to become a part of that world. I started looking for entry level sales jobs at various companies and even though I had solid work experience, I was always rejected. One night, while searching on Craigslist for jobs, I stumbled on an Always Hired posting which advertised a 92% job placement rate for its Tech Sales Bootcamp graduates. I was skeptical but intrigued and decided to give it a try since I hadn’t had any luck landing a job at any new startup or unicorn company. I contacted Always Hired and after speaking with Gabe, I was sold on the idea. I went through the interview process and was finally selected to join the program. For three weeks, the boot camp ran from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. The program has three main components: the industry, the sales process, and the job hunt. Even though I had a successful and experienced sales background, the Always Hired Bootcamp was eye opening. The things I learned, the new skills I developed and the connections I've made will be with me forever. I know everyone wants to know what happened? Was I part of that 92% success rate Always Hired advertises? Well, two weeks after I graduated the program, I had gone on 30 interviews, had a handful of job offers and finally made the decision to start my tech sales career at Yelp and I am loving every minute of it. Thanks to Always Hired graduate Mark Anthony Robles for this post, which originally appeared on LinkedIn.
In 2016, reality hit me. I was a single father, working an unfulfilling sales job that required long hours, including weekends which made me miss quality time with my son.
Born and raised in San Francisco, I was a Millennial who has watched the tech industry boom and always hearing great stories about the great pay, culture, perks and benefits, made me want to become a part of that world.
I started looking for entry level sales jobs at various companies and even though I had solid work experience, I was always rejected. One night, while searching on Craigslist for jobs, I stumbled on an Always Hired posting which advertised a 92% job placement rate for its Tech Sales Bootcamp graduates. I was skeptical but intrigued and decided to give it a try since I hadn’t had any luck landing a job at any new startup or unicorn company.
I contacted Always Hired and after speaking with Gabe, I was sold on the idea. I went through the interview process and was finally selected to join the program.
For three weeks, the boot camp ran from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. The program has three main components: the industry, the sales process, and the job hunt. Even though I had a successful and experienced sales background, the Always Hired Bootcamp was eye opening. The things I learned, the new skills I developed and the connections I've made will be with me forever.
I know everyone wants to know what happened? Was I part of that 92% success rate Always Hired advertises? Well, two weeks after I graduated the program, I had gone on 30 interviews, had a handful of job offers and finally made the decision to start my tech sales career at Yelp and I am loving every minute of it.
Thanks to Always Hired graduate Mark Anthony Robles for this post, which originally appeared on LinkedIn.