[Guest Post by Julie Morris] Pursuing a path to success in our competitive world is challenging. Are things coming up as you work to grow your business and reach your goals? Many professionals get weighed down in the weeds of their ventures, trying to do too much with too little for too long. If it feels like your road to success is being paved by stress, you can take steps to improve your footing. Add cash flow Are money worries part of your stress? Sometimes solutions can be close at hand. Instead of letting finances hold you back, consider whether applying for business financing would ease your mind and promote better cash flow. Small business funding can help with adding inventory, purchasing equipment, hiring more staff or freeing up working capital. Just improving cash flow can greatly reduce stress levels and enable you to reach your business goals sooner. Time is often equated with money, and when you’re a small business owner, this definitely rings true. And if you work from home, it’s extremely important to ensure that your home office is designed to enhance and support your productivity. If you discover that an element of your environment isn’t work for you (or, even worse, is working against you), then it’s time to head back to the drawing board and rethink your workspace. No amount of business financing will help if you don’t have a place to bring your business plan to life. Toot your horn Marketing your service or product effectively is easier than ever, so if you’re worried about getting the word out, fret no more. Take advantage of social media sites, including Instagram. If you don’t already have a robust Instagram following for your business, you can quickly and easily go from zero to 10,000 followers with a few strategic steps. Check out this guide for more information. Business is personal One of the hardest issues for busy professionals is separating business life and personal life. Because we invest our time, money, energy and passion into what we do, it’s challenging to find division between those two worlds. Business News Daily cites research showing most businessmen and women feel they are always on the go, and only half feel they enjoy enough time with family. If that sounds all too familiar, it’s time to revamp. Stress can get the better of you and leave you less productive and more apt to experience health issues. It can even prevent you from performing your best at work. Engage an outlet Meetings, negotiations, schedules, personnel concerns, can absorb your focus, and then there’s your personal life. If you’re all work and no play, Forbes recommends doing something for pleasure. Make sure you keep an outlet in your life that makes you happy, and spend time enjoying it. Participate in a hobby, exercise, spend time with your family and connect with friends. Take note When you do take opportunities to participate in your personal life, do you struggle with actually setting aside your work? Sometimes shutting off that side of your mind which is resolving issues at the office is the hardest part. One idea is to pull out a pad of paper and jot down what’s running through your mind. Articulate your concern and list possible solutions and outcomes. Instead of your thoughts distracting you from your home life or keeping you awake at night, putting things on paper can help give perspective. You might feel responsible for what’s on your mind, and this technique can help you set business concerns aside to enjoy life. Claim your time Sometimes we’re our own worst enemies. If you find you are constantly checking your phone or computer when you leave work, one suggestion is to set a time of day where you simply shut them off. You can’t disengage if you are still checking in. Shut off your devices now and then, and have a few rules for yourself. Don’t use electronics during supper with your family, or when you go to the gym. This can be especially important if you tend to jump into tasks you can’t resist. Even if it’s just for a half hour before bedtime, don’t allow yourself “one last look.” Connect with other professionals Sometimes you need a sounding board, whether it’s just to vent your frustrations or to brainstorm new ideas. If you find yourself unloading on family and friends, Small Business Development Corporation recommends getting involved with an industry association or local business group. Success awaits Managing your stress can mean better success in your career. Balance your life and use resources to ease your situation. Hit the ground running, thanks to these tips! -- This is our first time doing a guest post. I'm curious to hear your opinion on blog posts like this. We have free online training videos for you available on Teachable. 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