Getting Experience Before Graduation - AlwaysHired Sales Bootcamp

Getting Experience Before Graduation

Getting Experience Before Graduation
Kevin Lehman
As a fourth year at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, I was applying for internship positions that I thought I would provide me with transferable experience that would benefit me in the long run before my graduation in the winter.

Since I am due to graduate in December, and still don’t know exactly what I want to do, I am looking for skills that are going to help me in any professional setting. Being a social media intern in the tech sales industry provides me with the opportunity to grow and learn from people who are experts in their respective fields. Each of the team members of Always Hired have their own specialties and I am looking forward to picking their brains.

That is why I am extremely excited to join the Always Hired team. I believe that internships are an important step in the professional career for all college students. Not only do you get relevant experience, but you also get a better idea of the exact career path you want to follow. As an intern, I want to soak up all the knowledge I can because I don’t know what’s going to be the most useful for me down the road.

Each day I look to get better in some aspect of my life, whether it be personal or professional. And I think this is the perspective that everyone should have when they are looking for professional experience before graduation. If you are not pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone then your progress will stagnate. I am hoping that this role forces me out of my comfort zone and I am able to absorb as much knowledge as I can from the talented members of Always Hired. So, if you are interested in what I will be accomplishing in my internship over the next several weeks, make sure to follow Always Hired on all of our social media accounts. 

I aspire to increase total engagements on our social media posts by 20% by the end of my internship to further promote the Always Hired brand and make professionals aware of the training they could be receiving in tech sales. Please help me achieve my goal by following us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
I will be looking forward to interacting with you across our social media channels!

Kevin 🍋


Update: Wanted to make a quick update to this as I've transitioned into my full time role with Always Hired. The quality of your experience definitely matters as you think about what you want to do later in life.

However, most of us don't know what we want to do for the rest of our lives when we are 20 years old. Unless you are certain you want do something, I recommend that you try to get experience in multiple careers. Now this may not be what an employer wants. But you should do what is best for yourself.You should see what else is out there so you can truly decide what you want to do.

Before fully committing to marketing by doing two marketing internships, do one internship in sales. Don't limit your options. An internship should be about figuring out what you want to do for the rest of your life. It is easy to settle into one career path. But to me, it seems like it is better to find out exactly what you want do when you are young.

By finding out what you like earlier you:
  • Help your career earnings potential
  • Experience other jobs
  • Get a more well-rounded perspective that will give you empathy for others
  • Improve mental state
I've been thinking about this more and I've devised a plan for you to have a successful internship and hopefully get the job offer. It is separated by time and assumes a 3 month internship.

Month 1

  • Learn the business as well as you can
  • Learn your role and the role you want to become as well as you can
  • Connect with the other interns
  • Try to meet as many people as possible in your department
  • Set goals for your internship

Month 2

  • Demonstrate how well you know the business
  • Grind
  • Meet people outside of your department

Month 3

  • Show how you can contribute to the business going forward
  • Make some lasting memories
  • Add people on Linkedin
  • Have fun
-- As always, check out our free training courses online if you want to see what being a salesperson is like!