AlwaysHired has been a crazy ride. I didn’t go to college, worked my butt off, saved $50,000 and went all-in on entrepreneurship. I had some checkpoints and milestones I told myself I had to hit along the way in order to justify staying down this path, but I’m happy to share that in another blog or 1:1.
Our “North-Star” has not been revenue, nor corporate partners - it has been placement of our students. Our 92% placement is real for people who follow the AlwaysHired process. The quota attainment is real for people who have followed it and are in good standing with AlwaysHired.
This begs the questions - how many people do you think don’t want to follow the process? How many people do you think say they have a better way and go on their own path after our program? 10% on average. And I’m ok with that.
Those people are drop outs, and we are not a reference for them. Additionally, we can not legally force anyone to take ‘AlwaysHired’ off their LinkedIn profile.
In fact, if someone says they are from AlwaysHired you should do your due diligence and perform reference checks. If you have met someone from AlwaysHired and thought something was off - it’s because it was. They got kicked out and are still interviewing...on their own…
Luckily with the launch of our software this will be an impossible problem to replicate. All hiring will be done online. Finally, jobs & training --- all in one place. We will still have full-time employees managing relationships and providing support as needed but all hiring will be done via our online portal.
So what does it mean to be kicked out of our program? It means we are really strict and have extremely high standards. Late for class? Sounds like you may be late to an interview. Kicked out. Even if you are late by 1 minute. Literally. Happens ALL the time. Yes, sometimes people get mad but we set expectations pre-sale.
Didn’t do a homework assignment? Sounds like you won’t do an email exercise which is something most companies will ask you to do at some point in the interview process. Bye.
A lot of bad sales people will say and do anything to try and short cut. Like any good decision makers, it’s our job to cut through the BS, do our research and make an educated decision.
I’m proud to say, to both our students and partners - that not everyone that starts the AlwaysHired sales bootcamp finishes AlwaysHired. We work in the real world, and our training and community reflect that.
sales training san francisco